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AF Wedding Designs

We understand how stressful it is to find the perfect wedding flowers and matching accessories as we've also been through it. We have many money saving tips that we are happy to pass on to you. Alternatively we can also create wonderful high budget bouquets. So whether you want bargain bouquets or premium posies, we're the people for you!

We Want to Bridge the Gap Between Fresh Flowers and Silk Flowers! And get rid of the Myth that Silk Flowers look Artificial. All Our Silk Flowers are Extremely Realistic! In Fact many Brides haven't been able to believe that they weren't Real! Silk Flowers are Modern and extremely versatile!

Many of Our Bouquet's are Based on Real Flower Designs and Because We only Use the Highest Quality Silk Flowers, They are Completely Realistic! Silk Flowers Are Perfect if You or any of Your Wedding Party Suffer From Hayfever, You are getting Married Abroad, You want an unusual Bouquet Design, Or If You Just Want to KEEP YOUR BEAUTIFUL BOUQUET.


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